A prologue, of sorts.

    I never realized how much fresh produce had been a part of my life until I realized how prevalent it had been in my childhood. I picked blackberries from backyards, apples and pears from roadsides, strawberries from lake shores and garden beds alike, and pretty much anything else I could where ever it was found. There was no thought of pesticides or consequence. There was no reprimanding stare from my family. I was encouraged to try as many new things as I could find. In fact, in every place I've lived with my dad there has always been some sort of fruiting shrub or tree around (either in our yards or neighbors) where I could pilfer fresh somethings or another to my heart’s content.

    I guess new fresh foods were always an adventure. My eyes would light up on the discovery of a berry I hadn't tried, or a new variety of an old favorite... I knew that grape tomatoes were better than cherry tomatoes, multicolored apples better than red delicious... But no matter what I liked and didn't, I knew there was always more to discover; always more to learn.

    But anyways I think that constant exposure to fresh, organic fruits and veggies really shaped how I am today, and how I view food. I’ve always known food comes from the earth, and that we need to respect this planet as a place shared with millions of other living things, instead of a possession we can destroy at will. I think it’s important that all children learn this respect, this connection to their food and to the Earth, because without it we will be lost to a world of detachment from that which gives us life.. and that, my friends, is highly unacceptable.